Immersive Smart Factory in a Box

It is with great pleasure that SAS & BlueChem invite you to the open Smart Factory in a Box session on June 9 at 8.30 AM.

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Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and internet of things (IoT) can bring huge value to your organization. But how do you turn the hype into a scalable model that transforms your operations and improves your bottom line profit? A successful journey combines the best of both worlds. This means defining the right methodology, teaming up with data-savvy employees and implementing customizable technology.

During this workshop you will:

  • Learn what advanced analytics is and how to combine it with engineering principles.
  • Get inspired by potential use cases. 
  • Learn how to reapply our methodology in your own organization.

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BlueChem Olieweg 95 2020 Antwerpen