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Subsidies for international cooperation related to innovation and R&D

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ITEA is an industry-driven European ecosystem for collaborative R & D projects within the broad theme of software-intensive systems. ITEA (in full: Information Technology for European Advancement) is formally a Eureka! Cluster. The organisation focuses on supporting and stimulating competence in the development of software-intensive systems.

Through the European ITEA program, you can receive funding to realize a research and development project in collaboration with European partners, with software being a crucial component. ITEA is an industry-driven European ecosystem for collaborative R&D projects that relate to the broad theme of software-intensive systems. Topics that may be addressed in these projects include artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, smart cities, Industry 4.0, smart mobility, healthcare, and smart engineering. ITEA focuses on collaborations between organizations from different countries. The funding is provided by various countries and regions. In the case of Flanders, this is done through a grant application to VLAIO. In an ITEA project, at least 2 countries are involved, and a Flemish company can be the only Flemish project partner actively participating in a project. ITEA annually organizes a project call. The process consists of several

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    At the international event, the "ITEA Project Outline preparation days," more than 300 potential project partners present project concepts and exchange ideas. Consortia are built through working groups. 

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    ITEA organises an annual call for projects. In doing so, you are first asked to submit Project Outlines (PO, a rather concise description). Those who submitted the selected POs are then asked to submit a Full Project Proposal (FPP). The best projects receive a Eureka! Label. 

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    The Flemish project proposals are submitted through the funding channels development project or research project. We expect that the contributions of all involved Flemish partners will be combined in one application. 


Partnering event - PO Days 2024

This year, the PO Days will be held exceptionally in Flanders, on (10)-11-12 September 2024 in Antwerp. More information on

Timing call 2024-2025

  • Deadline PO submission: 11 November 2024 - 17:00 CET
  • Deadline FPP submission: 17 February 2025 - 17:00 CET
  • Deadline VLAIO submission: 30th of May 2025

More information

Information on this programme, the European provisions for submitting projects and the timing of the calls is available on the ITEA website.

Next to that, you can find the slides and presentations about ITEA in Belgium on There is also a page about Belgian project participations on the ITEA website

A specific question about ITEA? Contact, T +32 2 432 42 98.



Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 12
1030 Brussels
